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          我要投稿 投訴建議
          當前位置:一句話經典語錄 > 觀后感 > 鳥瞰中國英語觀后感初中匯合50句


          時間:2018-06-04 06:06






          后來,老師又讓小朋友分組表演了英語歌舞APPLE TREE,還做了小火車等等英語游戲。每個游戲都趣味盎然、寓教于樂。






          本次優(yōu)質課的教師都很重視思想政治教育,激勵學生積極的學習動機、態(tài)度、興趣,促使學生積極主動地投入到學習活動中去。例如,有位教師在教課文Wildlife Protection時,播放了一個flash,畫面上是一群鹿在悠閑自得地漫步在青青草原上,突然間傳來一陣槍響,剎那間,茫茫草原上尸橫遍野,血流成河,引出課文主題“保護大自然,保護野生動物”,使學生既受到思想政治和情感教育,又使教學內容自然銜接導入新課。而且能培養(yǎng)運用英語進行交際活動的能力。

          課堂上每位教師都能用英語OK. Very good. Wonderful. excellent等評價性語言表揚、鼓勵學生積極學習,使他們懷著輕松愉快的情緒全身心地投入學習英語的活動中去,收到良好的教學效果。


          情景,語境,是指用語言形式進行聽說讀寫交流信息的社會環(huán)景。任何有意義的語言交際活動都是在特定的情景中實現的,情景作用于人的感官使人產生交際的動機和使用英語進行交際的心智活動。情景決定語言表述的意義。語言是客觀情景的反映。 沒有情景就沒有語言的意義,英語交際活動離不開語言的情景。

          本次優(yōu)質課大多數課都能有效采用多種形式創(chuàng)設情景和充分利用英語教學本身的真實情景進行教學。諸如,采用實物、表格、身體語言、多媒體以及利用英語本身和上下文創(chuàng)設情景傳授英語基礎知識,進行基本技能訓練和交際活動。 在情景中理解語言知識和文章內容,由難化易,由淺入深,在與學生互動引導學生理解應用語言知識,突出重點難點;在情景中進行操練提高學生實踐的量和質,觀后感《英語公開課觀后感》。課文內容通過多媒體,通過與學生的互動加強學生的理解、記憶。 在情景中對話交際促進了學生思維的條理化、邏輯順序化,有利于提高口頭理解和表達的正確性和流利性。


          教師重視通過板書和在多媒體投影等創(chuàng)設的情景中對語法知識進行歸納。 例如, 點破歸納語言的結構和規(guī)則,提高使用英語的正確性和生成更多的句子靈活運用語言知識進行交際活動的能力。比如,在Wildlife Protection中,作課的老師(河南大學附屬中學的王文博老師)首先讓學生分析文中的句子結構,讓學生自己通過觀察,找出現在進行時態(tài)的被動語態(tài)的構成形式是:be being done, 然后給學生現在進行時態(tài)的句子,讓他們把這些句子變成被動語態(tài)。這種讓學生自己去觀察、發(fā)現、然后去學習、去模仿的教學形式,不僅可以啟發(fā)學生的思維,發(fā)展學生的思維能力,而且培養(yǎng)了他們分析問題、解決問題的能力。


          幾乎所有的優(yōu)質課競賽課都把培養(yǎng)學生的交際能力作為目的要求。英語是國際交往的重要工具。交際功能是語言的最本質的功能。交際既是目的,又是手段。 交際是一種運用英語進行社會交往的活動。運用英語進行交際的能力,只有通過社會交際活動才能獲得和掌握。師生之間,尤其是學生之間,用英語進行交際活動是獲得有意義、有效的英語輸入和良好情感過濾以及英語信息加工處理轉化成有意義的輸出的最有效和最理想的途徑。

          交際的能力包括語言能力,社會語言能力,交流信息的能力和話語能力。 有的教師能運用自己已有的英語知識,特別是剛學習的新的語言材料,把新舊語言知識相互整合,并聯系學生實際或通過想象創(chuàng)設的情景,完整地進行語篇的思想交流。 例如,周口鄲城一高的王允老師在教Earthquake一課時,讓學生比較樣本


          教師都很注重優(yōu)化課堂教學過程。 首先,教師通過真實的或創(chuàng)設的情景使學生理解所學的新的語言知識,再在理解的基礎上通過技能訓練和交際活動鞏固所學語言知識,并使語言知識轉化成技能,然后在新的情景中通過對子和小組活動靈活運用所學語言知識達到掌握聽說讀寫運用英語進行交際的能力的目的。


          多信息 教師采用實物、多媒體等手段創(chuàng)設新的語言情景,多渠道地給學生提供英語信息源和大量的信息,拓寬視野,從而激勵學生學習英語的'強烈興趣,積極主動參與各項學習活動,同時也避免了英語教學總是圍繞著英語課本轉和機械操練,重復老內容,缺乏信息的新鮮感,以致造成學生注意力渙散,思維遲緩,產生被動消極情緒,失去學習興趣,學習退步的后果。

          快節(jié)奏 教師大都用正常的英語語速進行教學,教學環(huán)節(jié)嚴密,各環(huán)節(jié)和各種操練和交際活動間的交替自然緊奏、快捷,從播放輕音樂、古典音樂導入直至課的發(fā)展、高潮、結束富有節(jié)奏感。明快的節(jié)奏是提高課堂教學效率的關鍵。

          高密度 課堂教學要

          勤反復 教師能重視在新的情景中采用多樣化的教學方法,重現和運用所學語言知識,并使知識不斷獲得鞏固,聽說讀寫交際的能力不斷獲得發(fā)展。


          閱讀課文教學是培養(yǎng)學生閱讀能力的主要途徑。 閱讀是主動積極地獲取信息的創(chuàng)造性行為,是培養(yǎng)通過視覺感知書面文字符號,獲取信息的能力。這種能力常是通過閱讀理解整體課文的手段達到的。其中一位教師在做Reading時,引導學生學會自己去找每一段的關鍵句,告訴學生一般情況下主題句在每一段的第一句,然后讓學生自己去觀察,去閱讀,很好的培養(yǎng)了學生的閱讀能力。

          閱讀課文教學從整體語篇出發(fā),突出培養(yǎng)獲取信息的能力。 首先,學生閱讀整篇課文,初步理解課文大意和中心思想。然后分段,找出主題句,理解各段的內容和各段落的邏輯聯系。 最后再回到語篇進行交際性的操練。這樣,學生在進一步準確理解和把握、運用語言知識的基礎上進行整篇的交際性操練,使獲取信息的能力得到進一步發(fā)展。因為獲取信息的能力是建筑在準確理解,把握和運用語言知識基礎上的。












          3.要注意創(chuàng)設情景的實用性。 有的教師過于強調創(chuàng)設真實情景,以至于占用了很多時間,給人的感覺是為了表演而表演,消弱了英語的操練和交際運用。


          《飛屋環(huán)游記》英語觀后感 篇1

          Today, the school organized "children watching animation, childlike innocence" activities. We went to see the movie -- flying house ring travel notes.

          I was impressed by the film. It is said that an old man named Fei Dexun and a lovely field Explorer Russell ride in the balloon house, experience a thousand hardships, reach the Paradise Falls, and put his home there, to realize the dream of the old man Fei Dexun.

          Fei Dexun and his wife AI became partners when they were young. Later, Ellie died, and the old man would be sent to the green oak nursing home. Fei Dexun put the 100000 balloons he used to hang on the house and flew up into the air. The results met the rush to "help the elderly" badge of the little boy, russell. He accidentally took the flying room of Fei Dexuns old man and started an adventure together. The way they experienced a lot of hardships and dangers, and a bird named Kevin became a friend. Later, in order to save Kevin, they almost failed to realize their dreams. Then it is friendship and justice, so that they finally overcome the evil and win the battle.

          The story is very touching. After reading it, we will find that there is a truth in it: persistence will win. I like this movie!

          《飛屋環(huán)游記》英語觀后感 篇2

          The film - which was written by Bob Peterson (Finding Nemo, Ratatouille) and directed by Peter Docter (Monsters, Inc.) - delivers all the things we’ve come to expect from a Pixar animated feature: gorgeous visuals, a strong story rife with moral lessons and (gasp) good character development; humor both low-brow (for the kids) and high-brow (for the grownups), with strokes of bold wit and a dash of sagely wisdom for good measure.

          And yet, UP also delivers something quite unexpected: Pixar’s most adult-oriented story yet, slyly disguised in a fantastic adventure tale.

          UP tells the life story of Carl Fredricksen (the unmistakable voice of Ed Asner), a shy little boy who grows up in (1930s?) America, an era in which people pack into movie theaters to watch news reels about adventurous explorers like Charles Muntz, who travels the world on one epic quest after the next.

          Young Carl Fredricksen idolizes Muntz: He spends his lonely days roaming his neighborhood pretending to be Muntz until one day he runs into Ellie, an energetic and fearless young girl (everything Carl is not) who idolizes Charles Muntz just as much as Carl does. Ellie and Carl cross their hearts then and there and swear to be great adventurers like Charles Muntz, and with that oath, theirs is a match made in heaven.

          After that fateful first encounter, we get a truly beautiful montage of Carl and Ellie’s life-long romance. We see the young kids grow into a teenage couple; see them get married and buy a house, working day jobs (balloon vendor) while saving up for the kind of adventures they fantasized about as kids. We watch the couple deal with the ups and downs, joys and tragedies of life; and gradually we watch them grow into old age, Ellie’s “My Adventures” scrapbook still unfilled, even as her time on Earth ends.

          With Ellie gone, Carl becomes a disgruntled old man desperately trying to hold on to a house, heirlooms and a lost-love he cherishes. A physical confrontation with neighborhood developers leads to Carl being forced into a retirement home for the rest of his days - but before the old man will give in he decides to honor the oath he and Ellie swore as kids and take one last shot at adventure! Carl ties an impossible number of balloons to his house (working a balloon cart at the zoo was his job for many years), rigs a steering system and UP he goes!

          《飛屋環(huán)游記》英語觀后感 篇3

          Given the inherent three-dimensional quality evident in Pixars cutting-edge output, the fact that the studios 10th animated film is the first to be presented in digital 3-D wouldnt seem to be particularly groundbreaking in and of itself.

          But what gives "Up" such a joyously buoyant lift is the refreshingly nongimmicky way in which the process has been incorporated into the big picture -- and what a wonderful big picture it is.

          Winsome, touching and arguably the funniest Pixar effort ever, the gorgeously rendered, high-flying adventure is a tidy 90-minute distillation of all the signature touches that came before it.

          Its also the ideal choice to serve as the first animated feature ever to open the Festival de Cannes, considering the way it also pays fond homage to cinemas past, touching upon the works of Chaplin and Hitchcock, not to mention aspects of "Its a Wonderful Life" "The Wizard of Oz" and, more recently, "About Schmidt."

          Boxoffice-wise, the skys the limit for "Up."

          Even with its PG rating (the first non-G-rated Pixar picture since "The Incredibles"), there really is no demographic that wont respond to its many charms.

          The Chaplin-esque influence is certainly felt in the stirring prelude, tracing the formative years of the films 78-year-old protagonist, recent widower Carl Fredricksen (terrifically voiced by Ed Asner).

          Borrowing "WALL-Es" poetic, economy of dialogue and backed by composer Michael Giacchinos plaintive score, the nostalgic waltz between Carl and the love of his life, Ellie, effectively lays all the groundwork for the fun stuff to follow.

          Deciding its better late than never, the retired balloon salesman depletes his entire inventory and takes to the skies (house included), determined to finally follow the path taken by his childhood hero, discredited world adventurer Charles F. Muntz (Christopher Plummer).

          But he soon discovers theres a stowaway hiding in his South America-bound home in the form of Russell, a persistent eight-year-old boy scout (scene-stealing young newcomer Jordan Nagai), and the pair prove to be one irresistible odd couple.

          Despite the innate sentimentality, director Pete Docter ("Monsters, Inc.") and co- director-writer Bob Peterson keep the laughs coming at an agreeably ticklish pace.

          Between that Carl/Russell dynamic and Muntzs pack of hunting dogs equipped with multilingual thought translation collars, "Up" ups the Pixar comedy ante considerably.

          Meanwhile, those attending theaters equipped with the Disney Digital 3-D technology will have the added bonus of experiencing a three-dimensional process that is less concerned with the usual "comin at ya" razzle-dazzle than it is with creating exquisitely detailed textures and appropriately expansive depths of field.

          There’s nothing better than an easy review: Pixar’s latest summer offering, UP, is a fantastic film. Simply fantastic. Seriously, if Ratatouille and Wall-E deserved to be in the running for Best Picture of the Year (as many said they did at the times of their releases) then UP certainly does.

          It’s that good.

          Given the inherent three-dimensional quality evident in Pixar's cutting-edge output, the fact that the studio's 10th animated film is the first to be presented in digital 3-D wouldn't seem to be particularly groundbreaking in and of itself.

          But what gives "Up" such a joyously buoyant lift is the refreshingly nongimmicky way in which the process has been incorporated into the big picture -- and what a wonderful big picture it is.

          Winsome, touching and arguably the funniest Pixar effort ever, the gorgeously rendered, high-flying adventure is a tidy 90-minute distillation of all the signature touches that came before it.

          It's also the ideal choice to serve as the first animated feature ever to open the Festival de Cannes, considering the way it also pays fond homage to cinema's past, touching upon the works of Chaplin and Hitchcock, not to mention aspects of "It's a Wonderful Life" "The Wizard of Oz" and, more recently, "About Schmidt."

          Boxoffice-wise, the sky's the limit for "Up."

          Even with its PG rating (the first non-G-rated Pixar picture since "The Incredibles"), there really is no demographic that won't respond to its many charms.

          The Chaplin-esque influence is certainly felt in the stirring prelude, tracing the formative years of the film's 78-year-old protagonist, recent widower Carl Fredricksen (terrifically voiced by Ed Asner).

          Borrowing "WALL-E's" poetic, economy of dialogue and backed by composer Michael Giacchino's plaintive score, the nostalgic waltz between Carl and the love of his life, Ellie, effectively lays all the groundwork for the fun stuff to follow.

          Deciding it's better late than never, the retired balloon salesman depletes his entire inventory and takes to the skies (house included), determined to finally follow the path taken by his childhood hero, discredited world adventurer Charles F. Muntz (Christopher Plummer).

          But he soon discovers there's a stowaway hiding in his South America-bound home in the form of Russell, a persistent eight-year-old boy scout (scene-stealing young newcomer Jordan Nagai), and the pair prove to be one irresistible odd couple.

          Despite the innate sentimentality, director Pete Docter ("Monsters, Inc.") and co- director-writer Bob Peterson keep the laughs coming at an agreeably ticklish pace.

          Between that Carl/Russell dynamic and Muntz's pack of hunting dogs equipped with multilingual thought translation collars, "Up" ups the Pixar comedy ante considerably.

          Meanwhile, those attending theaters equipped with the Disney Digital 3-D technology will have the added bonus of experiencing a three-dimensional process that is less concerned with the usual "comin' at ya" razzle-dazzle than it is with creating exquisitely detailed textures and appropriately expansive depths of field.

          There’s nothing better than an easy review: Pixar’s latest summer offering, UP, is a fantastic film. Simply fantastic. Seriously, if Ratatouille and Wall-E deserved to be in the running for Best Picture of the Year (as many said they did at the times of their releases) then UP certainly does.

          It’s that good.

          篇二:飛屋環(huán)游記的`英文觀后感(The Up about it)

          Something I want to say after seeing this movie.

          Adventuring,everyone wants at least once in his short life ,I suppose 。But another truth we all know clearly is that only a few of us could achieve what we want and what we consider。

          It needs courage when you decides to take one adventure。We may think more than we should care。The safety,the money,our age and so on。In the movie, everything all above seems to be nothing if you own a strong will and take these words as your motto “If you want something ,go for it?!?Rocky)

          Let us talk more about the story happens in the movie。This old couple has been imaging one adventure to the Paradise Falls for their whole life 。Their life seems romantic but only left one regret 。

          Well, I think the Paradise Falls stands for a dream that all of us would have。The flying house is the way we make our dreams come true。You see that the way we could achieve our goals is so simple and easy。Just keep going ,never quit no matter what difficulties you have what trouble you meet。I began to think that would there be any regret in my life when I get old。I didn’t have a great plan to adventure anywhere。I am nobody now 。But no one wants to be nobody all the time。

          We can see that boys grows up,old man becomes younger after the adventure。Everything seems come back to their fresh life。That is exactly what the movie wants to tell us and that should be all these art masterpieces should give us 。They bring us courage to continue our life ,maybe not a pleasant one ,at least we can go on our life with hope。

          The movie creates hope and dream for us all。That is why I love movies so much。I cannot even image what my life will be like without any fancy any imagination。Fortunately,I have got a lot of great movies books to watch to read。With al these ,my life becomes a little wonderful at last。

          To observe this cartoon movie from another angle, we can find something interesting. The team for the Paradise Falls is made up of two guys, Mr.Fredricksen and little Russell. An old man and a child .We all think that old men and children are the weakest group we should care more. But they form this team and make a great success. So there is not any contact between success and age or other things like that.

          You may be curious about that where the young adults are being.Yeah; maybe they are busy with their jobs, their money. Walking around the profit and money all day makes them forget the beautiful dreams they had when they were children. So the mission to pursuit dreams is given to the old men and children.

          We have to admit that people who are in their middle age are busier .But I don’t think that should be an excuse of forgetting their romance and their dreams.

          篇三:飛屋環(huán)游記的英文觀后感(The Up about it)

          What can I say about Pixar? Amazing?? Perfect?? Got to see this at the Cannes Film Festival in France (went on a trip with my family) and Pixar gives us another instant classic: Up.

          The movie focuses on 78-year old man Carl Fredrickson's (voiced by Edward Asner) life who always had a dream of going on a journey to South American to see the wilds of it. He buys thousands of balloons just to attach it to his house to float up in the sky. So, he starts with his journey up in the sky in his house with balloons attached to it. Suddenly, he's not alone and somebody's at the door while flying, it's a boy scout kid named Russell. He invites the boy with him on his journey to South America.

          Just brilliant and si-mp-le story-telling, beautiful visuals as usual with Pixar, awesome voice work, funny and smart dialogue, beautiful score once again by Michael Giacchino & very, very enjoyable characters. Speaking of characters, the highlight of the film: Dug the Dog. A sort of "robot" dog that will have you have you in a lot of stitches each scene that dog is in and that was the case with me. Simply, one of the funniest characters Pixar ever made. Pete Doctor, one of the four Pixar directors (John Lassester, Andrew Stanton, Brad Bird) who directed Monster's Inc (2001) needs and should get nominated for his clever, genius and smart directing of this but if Stanton didn't get the nods for (Finding Nemo and WALL-E) and Bird for (The Incredibles & Ratatouille) which they should of been, then the Oscars are ma-ki-ng another HUGE mistake for not nominating this guy for this movie.

          Up is the funniest Pixar movie, funnier than the Toy Story movies, A Bug's Life & Finding Nemo which were the funniest, in my opinion. The movie is not just hilarious, it's emotional and sad at times. Like WALL-E, it focuses on the character feelings but not as magical as WALL-E. Still, Up is full of emotional, fun and hilarious proportions. Your in for a BIG ride in this!!

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