1. 把自己奉獻給愛,把自己奉獻給社區(qū),把自己奉獻給能給予你目標和意義的創(chuàng)造。
2. 當你學會了怎么死,你也就學會了怎么活。
3. 但超脫并不是說不投入到生活中去。相反,你應該完完全全地投入進去。然后你才走得出來。
4. 如果你想體驗怎樣對另一個人承擔責任,想學會如何全身心地去愛的話,那么你就應該有孩子。
5. 這就是家庭的部分涵義,不僅僅是愛,而且還告訴別人有人守護著你。這是我母親去世時我最想得到的--我稱它為‘心理安全‘--知道有一個家在守護著你。只有。家庭能給予你這種感覺。金錢辦不到。名望辦不到,工作也辦不到。
6. 意識到自己會死,并時刻作好準備。這樣做會更有幫助。你活著的時候就會更珍惜生活。
7. “我們會握住彼此的手“莫里說?!拔覀冎g會傳遞許多愛的感情,特德,我們有三十五年的友誼。你不需要語言或聽覺去感受這種關系的?!?/p>
8. 現(xiàn)在斯但因快要失聰了??婆鍫栂胂笥幸惶熳屗麄儌z在一起,一個不能說話,一個沒有聽覺,那會是怎樣的情形?
9. 有時候你不能只相信你所看見的,你還得相信你所感覺的。如果你想讓別人信任你,你首先應該感到你也能信任他--即使你是在黑暗中,即使你是在向后倒去。
10. 許多人過著沒有意義的生活。即使當他們在忙于一些自以為重要的事情時,他們也顯得昏昏慵慵的。這是因為他們在追求一種錯誤的東西。你要使生活有意義,你就得獻身于愛,獻身于你周圍的群體,去創(chuàng)造一種能給你目標和意義的價值觀。
11. 我們?yōu)楹我汛罅康臅r間花在無謂的瑣事上?他們并不認識辛普森,他們也不認識和這件案子有關的其他人。然而他們卻甘愿為此浪費掉時間,整日、整個星期地沉溺在他人的鬧劇里。
12. 生活是持續(xù)不斷的前進和后退。你想做某一件事,可你又注定要去做另一件事。你受到了傷害,可你知道你不該受傷害。你把某些事情視作理所當然,盡管你知道不該這么做。
13. 我們在教授一些錯誤的東西。你需要十分的堅強才能說,如果這種文化沒有用,就別去接受它。建立你自己的文化。但大多數(shù)人都做不到。
14. “死亡”莫里突然開口說,“是一件令人悲哀的事,米奇??刹恍业鼗钪餐瑯恿钊吮А!?/p>
15. 我有一種羞恥感,因為我們的文化告訴我們說,如果你不能自已擦洗屁股,你就應該感到羞恥。但我又想,忘掉文化對我們的灌輸。我的大半生都沒有去理睬這種文化。我沒有必要感到羞恥。這有什么關系呢?
16. 人類的接觸。七十八歲的他像成人那樣給予,又像孩子那樣接受。
17. 婚姻是一件很重要的事情,如果你沒有嘗試,你就會失去很多很多。還是那句,相愛或者死亡。
18. 這個社會在想要什么和需要什么這個問題上是很感困惑的,莫里說?!澳阈枰氖鞘澄?,而你想要的卻是巧克力圣代。你得對自己誠實。你并不需要最新的跑車,你并不需要最大的房子?!?/p>
19. “我們會握住彼此的手”莫里說?!拔覀冎g會傳遞許多愛的感情,特德,我們有三十五年的友誼。你不需要語言或聽覺去感受這種關系的。”
20. 我們沒有一個人能擦掉生活過的痕跡,同樣也不能重新再生活一次。然而,如果說莫里·施瓦茨教授教會了我什么的話,那便是:生活中沒有“來不及“這個詞。他直到說再見的那一天還在改變著自己。
21. 只要我們彼此相愛,并把它珍藏在心里,我們即使死了也不會真正地消亡。你創(chuàng)造的愛依然存在著。所有的記憶依然存在著。你仍然活著--活在每一個你觸摸過愛撫過的人的心中。
22. 這就是我們都在尋求的:平靜地面對死亡。如果我們知道我們可以這樣去面對死亡的話,那么我們就能應付最困難的事情了。
23. 不管你生活在哪兒,人類最大的`弱點就是缺乏遠見。我們看不到自己的將來。其實,我們應該看到自己的潛能,讓自己盡量去適應各種發(fā)展和變化。但如果你的周圍盡是那些利欲熏心的人,那么結(jié)局便是一小部分的人暴富起來,軍隊的任務是防止貧窮的人起來造反,搶奪他們的財富。
24. 這個社會在想要什么和需要什么這個問題上是很感困惑的,“莫里說?!澳阈枰氖鞘澄?,而你想要的卻是巧克力圣代。你得對自己誠實。你并不需要最新的跑車,你并不需要最大的房子。
25. 這些人都渴望得到愛,但又得不到,于是就接受了這些替代品。他們樂于接受物質(zhì)的東西,期望能得到類似于擁抱的感情回報,但這是行不通的。你無法用物質(zhì)的東西去替代愛,善良、溫柔或朋友間的親情。
26. 無論我生活在哪里,我都會遇到一些對新的東西充滿了占有欲的人,想擁有新的汽車,想擁有新的財產(chǎn),想擁有新的玩具。然后沾沾自喜地向你炫耀:猜我得到了什么?猜我得到了什么?
27. 我不會羨慕你的人生階段——因為我也有過這個人生階段。
28. 如果你一直不愿意變老,那你就永遠不會幸福,因為你終究是要變老的。
29. 如果你停留在二十二歲的年齡階段,你就永遠是二十二歲的那般淺薄。要知道,衰老并不就是衰敗。它是成熟。接近死亡并不一定是壞事,當你意識到這個事實后,它也有十分積極的一面,你會因此而活得更好。
30. 他要證明一件事:來日無多和毫無價值不是同義詞。
31. 死亡是一種自然,人平??傆X得自己高于自然,其實只是自然的一部分罷了。那么,就在自然的懷抱里講和吧。
32. 愛是唯一的理性行為。相愛,或者死亡。沒有了愛,我們便成了折斷翅膀的小鳥。
33. 我不會羨慕你的人生階段-因為我也有過這個人生階段,錢無法代替溫情,權(quán)力也無法替代溫情。
34. 在這個社會,人與人之間產(chǎn)生一種愛的關系是十分重要的,因為我們文化中的很大一部分并沒有給予你這種東西。
35. 學會超脫,別庸人自擾,一切皆是空。
36. 我們都有同樣的開始-誕生,我們也有同樣的結(jié)局-死亡,死亡終結(jié)了生命,但沒有終結(jié)感情的聯(lián)系。
37. 死亡終結(jié)了生命,但沒有終結(jié)感情的聯(lián)系。
38. 愛情和婚姻還是有章可循的:如果你不尊重對方,你們的關系就會有麻煩;如果你不懂怎樣妥協(xié),你們的關系就會有麻煩。
39. 人生最重要的是學會如何施愛于人,并去接受愛。
40. 不管你生活在哪兒,人類最大的弱點就是缺乏遠見。我們看不到自己的將來。其實,我們應該看到自己的潛能,讓自己盡是去適應各種發(fā)展和變化。
41. 許多人過著沒有意義的生活。即使當他們在忙于一些自以為重要的事情時,他們也顯得昏昏庸庸的。這是因為他們在追求一種錯誤的東西。
42. 超脫并不是說不投入到生活中去,相反,應該完完全全地投入進去,然后你才走得出來。
43. 接受所有的感情-對女人的愛戀,對親人的悲傷,或像我所經(jīng)歷的:由致命的疾病而引起的恐懼和痛苦。
44. 我更喜歡和你在一起時的我自己。
45. 每個社會都有它自己的問題,我認為逃避并不是解決的方法,你應該為建立自己的文化而努力。
46. 你應該發(fā)現(xiàn)你現(xiàn)在生活中的一切美好。真實的東西,回首過去會使你產(chǎn)生競爭的意識,而年齡是無法競爭的。實際上,我分屬于不同的年齡階段。
47. 生活是持續(xù)不斷的前進和后退。你想做某一件事,可你叉注定要去做另一件事。你受到了傷害,可你知道你不該受傷害。你把某些事情視作理所當然,盡管你知道不該這么做。
48. 有時候,他們說,月亮固忙于新的靈魂的降世,于是便從天空中消失了。所以有的夜晚沒有月光。但最終,月亮是要回來的,就像我們每個人一樣。
49. 去接受愛。我們一直認為我們不應該去接受它,如果我們接受了它,我們就不夠堅強了。但有一位名叫萊文的智者卻不這么看。他說“愛是唯一的理性行為。
50. 如果沒有家庭,人們便失去了可以支撐的根基。
51. 我們常感到孤獨,有時孤獨得想哭,但我們卻不讓淚水淌下來,因為我們覺得不該哭泣。有時我們從心里對伴侶涌起一股愛的激流,但我們卻不去表達,因為我們害怕那些話語可能會帶來的傷害。
52. 我不怕感到孤獨,現(xiàn)在我要把它棄之一旁,因為世界上還有其它的感情讓我去體驗。
53. 原諒自己應該做而沒有做的事。你不應該陷在遺憾的情緒中無法自拔,這對你是沒有益處的。
54. 隨著年齡的增加,你的閱歷也更加豐富。如果你停留在二十二歲的年齡階段,你就永遠是二十二歲的那般淺薄。
55. 錢無法替代溫情,權(quán)力也無法替代溫情,我能告訴你,當我坐在這兒等待死亡時,當你最需要這份溫情時,金錢或權(quán)力都無法給予你這份感情,不管你擁有多少財富或權(quán)勢。
56. 命運屈從于無數(shù)個種類:只有一個會危及它自己。
57. 愛是永存的感情,即使你離開了人世,你也活在人們的心里。
58. 婚姻是一件很重要的事情,如果你沒去嘗試,你就會失去很多很多。
59. 個人在事業(yè)上的成功遠不是人生上的成功,一個領導者可以在諸多方面訓斥下屬卻必須除開人生。
60. 米奇,如果你想對社會的上層炫耀自己,那就打消這個念頭,他們照樣看不起你。如果你想對社會的底層炫耀自己,也請打消這個念頭,他們只會忌妒你。
Seeing that Morrie received him so warmly, Mitch suddenly came to realize that he had lost something very precious. “Death and sickness, and getting fat and going bald happened.” He thought. “I traded lots of dreams for a bigger paycheck, and I never even realize I was doing it.”
It’s very though on the journey of pursuing our dreams and therefore many people fail. So did Mitch. He gave up his dream of becoming a musician and started to earn as much money as he could. By doing this, he was gradually getting older. Hadn’t him seen Morrie, he would know what he was really doing. He abandoned his dream and something else.
Money is not so important. If the money we have is able to support our living, it’s enough. Wanting much more money than you need usually makes one confused and likely to lose something more meaningful, such as family, friend, your beloved ones and a satisfied life.
Only by understanding those above will a male or a female resists the temptation of money or status and turns to those things, as I say, deserves to cherish. It can be really pathetic when one desires to cherish something that used to be ignored but the time leaving for he or she is limited. ?Never make it too late to cherish things deep into your heart. Time will never flash back and you won’t have the chance to live for a second time.
However, there are still some great people who don’t cherish their own precious things. Instead, they work for other people’s happiness. Take Chairman Mao and Zhou Enlai for example, they nearly gave up everything to fight for China’s independence and make China stronger. Gandhi fight for his own nation’s independence. Martin Luther King sacrificed his life to help gain the black’s civil rights in America. They gave out many and received little. Somebody may be unwilling to do like that. That’s really too much, they would say. We cannot tell whether they are wrong or not. It’s just two ways of living
Hey, Dear Morrie, would you allow me the honor to dance with you On closing my eyes, I can see an elderly angel dancing in darkness, lost himself in a crystal clear world. And he teaches me how to lead the life I want to lead and how to be the person I want to be by all these warm and encouraging words which leave me a touched heart and a stream of tears.
Morrie is always laughing and talking as he will never be tired out. He licks the ice-cream on the street, eats tongues, and takes a deep breath to count how many seconds it can last. At the beginning of the movie, I can’t even imagine the childish-lovely Morrie is a 77-year-old man with ALS, a rare disease that makes the dancing stop forever and is taking the angel’s life away.
Mitch, Morrie’s favorite student, usually does everything just to meet the deadline. He has to live on the phone and do six things at the same time, as busy as a bee without thinking much about the meaning of his life until he saw the news of his coach—Morrie is dying. Then he hesitated whether to visit his dear coach or not owing to the 700-mile journey and his tight schedule or, frankly, his guilt.
However, his girlfriend, Janine said,” You’re on the road on your life. Why can’t you make time for one trip to Boston Think of him. Think of how much it would mean to him.” So the trip began.
Upon seeing Mitch, Morrie showed an expression of joyfulness mixed with surprise. “Here’s my buddy! I don’t get a hug after 16 years ”, said Morrie excitedly, without complaining about Mitch’s failing to keep his promise. And what impresses me most is the tough hand of old Morrie when he clings to Mitch’s shoulder.
Seeing that Morrie received him so warmly, Mitch suddenly came to realize that he had lost something very precious. “Death and sickness, and getting fat and going bald happened.” He thought. “I traded lots of dreams for a bigger paycheck, and I never even realize I was doing it.”
It’s very though on the journey of pursuing our dreams and therefore many people fail. So did Mitch. He gave up his dream of becoming a musician and started to earn as much money as he could. By doing this, he was gradually getting older. Hadn’t him seen Morrie, he would know what he was really doing. He abandoned his dream and something else.
Money is not so important. If the money we have is able to support our living, it’s enough. Wanting much more money than you need usually makes one confused and likely to lose something more meaningful, such as family, friend, your beloved ones and a satisfied life.
Only by understanding those above will a male or a female resists the temptation of money or status and turns to those things, as I say, deserves to cherish. It can be really pathetic when one desires to cherish something that used to be ignored but the time leaving for he or she is limited. Never make it too late to cherish things deep into your heart. Time will never flash back and you won’t have the chance to live for a second time.
However, there are still some great people who don’t cherish their own precious things. Instead, they work for other people’s happiness. Take Chairman Mao and Zhou Enlai for example, they nearly gave up everything to fight for China’s independence and make China stronger. Gandhi fight for his own nation’s independence. Martin Luther King sacrificed his life to help gain the black’s civil rights in America. They gave out many and received little. Somebody may be unwilling to do like that. That’s really too much, they would say. We cannot tell whether they are wrong or not. It’s just two ways of living.