參考My sorrow is as deep as sea.意思是我的悲傷像大海一樣深當(dāng)然還可以寫其他的句子
The sea, cool warmth has a happy melodious, turbulent waves also have the glory of love; dreams, in the rapids of the deep sea flowering, singing songs with the truth of the fairy tale.
Oceans cover about 70% of the Earth's surface. The oceans affect many things on the Earth, especially the weather and temperature. The oceans are all connected to one another. There were four recognized oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic.The oceans and seas contain about 5 x 10 16 tons of salts. The salt content of ocean water is different. The least salty seas are in the North and South poles, because of the melting ice and a lot of rain. There are many waves on the oceans, the winds cause waves. If the winds are stronger, the waves will be larger. A tsunami is a series of huge waves, it caused by an underwater earthquake, or a small comet hit the ocean.Tide rises and falls of large area of water. Tides are caused by the gravitational interaction between the Earth and the Moon.The water cycle starts form oceans. The water from ocean to air to ground to ocean.There are many animals live in the oceans, too.
我終于大了 我的夢想終于實(shí)現(xiàn)了,我終于見到了 清晨,我高興地來到大海,首先印入眼簾的當(dāng)然是那一望無際的大海,那雪白的浪花一浪推一浪爭先恐后地涌上岸灘,一陣海風(fēng)呼呼吹過,使浪花用力拍擊著岸邊的巖石,發(fā)出嘩的聲音,就像一個巨人手持水鞭抽打著為他們賣力的奴隸;各式各樣的船絡(luò)繹不絕的在大海上穿梭,不時發(fā)出轟隆隆的聲音;在大海上還有著那一只只可愛的海鷗,它們正在自由地尋覓食物;遠(yuǎn)方天水相接之處冉冉上升的紅日又即將開始一天的工作 嘻嘻.哈哈我正在欣賞著海上寧靜的一切,卻被這一陣歡笑給打住了.原來是一群可愛的小朋友們,他們在堆泥沙,拾貝殼,口里還哼著小曲呢!他們盡情的在海灘上嬉戲玩耍,打亂了原本平靜安詳?shù)暮I鲜澜?不過這到給大海增添了不少的歡樂,使大海似乎更美了! 我被小朋友們玩耍的勁兒給吸引了,不知不覺也和他們一塊兒為大海譜寫一曲贊歌. 一切都是那么的美好,我們都沉醉于這歡樂的海洋之中!